Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Today was a fairy tale.

So yea. Apollo and i went to this mall to watch this movie. It was funny. It wasn't boring. It wasn't awkward. And we were practically alone in the row.

After that we decided to go somewhere...like, out of town. We talked. We walked. We ate. We laughed. And during all our jeepney rides together...i never wanna be apart from him.

Being beside him...it felt safe. I was comfortable...too comfortable. I could hear him breathing. I could hear the sound he makes when he chews his chips and when he drinks. I could feel his leg gently touching mine. I could hear his chuckles. I could feel his light touch. I could feel the weight of his stares. I could feel my heart skip a beat whenever he glimpses at me. I could feel the weight in my stomach go heavier when he smiles at me.

I...i don't want this feeling. I wanna throw it in a trash bag and ship it off to Canada. I know i'll get hurt sooner or later. I'm kinda aware that maybe he likes someone else. That his heart desires someone else. I don't wanna cling unto false hope. I want to cherish what we have now. Friendship. And if  i can't help the way i feel, then i won't say that i'm in love.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Because intoxication got the best of me...
Because i was afraid of you rejecting me once more...
Because liquor was my only solution at that time...
Because we were parting our ways...
Because i was simply afraid...
Because i can't distinguish right from wrong anymore...
Because i became numb and unconscious...
Because i can't take the fact that you were leaving...
Because the tears were irrepressibly cascading down my cheeks...
Because we swore you'd never leave...
Because i kissed you...
Because i love you...
Because you love her...
Because it hurts...